Sunday, December 12, 2010

Locks of Love

You may remember an earlier post where I talked about cutting off my hair. Well, yesterday I did it!! Donated 10 inches to Locks of Love. When a young girl (age 11) in my hometown passed away from an inoperable brain tumor this past Fall, her friends and other girls from the school went and donated their hair in her memory. My youngest sister tells me (she goes to school there) that after the girls cut their hair some of them felt insecure about it, so other girls took sticky notes, posted them to the inside door of the girls' bathroom and wrote on them, "you are beautiful", "you did a great thing", etc.  How sweet.

I haven't had short hair since I was under the age of 7, so it is certainly a change.
Yes, I have my insecurities and I miss it, but I'm glad it went to a good cause and I wish I could have donated a longer piece of hair.
Have any readers ever donated their hair? How many inches?

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