Sunday, October 24, 2010

Chop, Chop - Donate!

A neat photography experiment - Karen Stack photographed her hair growing back, after losing it to chemotherapy.

I have had moderately long hair for 80% of my life now (purposely forgetting the horrible haircut that chopped off my locks back in the 8th grade - ayayay) - but now it seems I'd like to try something new, but more importantly I'd like to donate my hair. My youngest sister had a classmate, Caroline, who just recently pass away from brain cancer at 11 years old. Her younger sister tells that Caroline was always so afraid to lose her hair from treatment. Unfortunately, her condition was untreatable, so she never did lose her hair. Since her passing, the kids in her school put together a fund raiser at a local hair salon where kids donated their hair in her memory and painted nails and sold baked goods in order to raise money towards her cause. I found it very moving to watch the kids (of all ages, 6+) donate their hair so willingly and selflessly, that I am looking forward to donating mine as well. You must have 10" to donate, and I'm just about there. I'm thinking January 1st I will make the snip - and hopefully with some of your help, get the right hair cut to go along with it! Please help me decide on a style! (You can learn more about Caroline's story here).

Hair styles I'm leaning towards (in no particular order):




I know it sounds selfish, but i'm actually still pretty nervous about it! I have two weddings to go to next year and I'm worried the style may turn out to be a disaster. Have you ever donated your hair? Any nightmarish long-to-short hair stories out there?

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